About Earl Hatch

Dr.Earl W.G. Hatch ( 1906 – 1996 )

Dr.Earh Hatch was born at Greely, Colorado at August 24,1906 and passed away at November 5,1996 at North Hollywood,California. His parents were both musical and he started his career as snare drummer at six, and trap drummer with the Theater Orchestra at the age of ten years. He first time played marimba solo with pit orchestra in local theater. Since there was an indicent that his mallet head accidentally hit an audience at between her eyes at play, the local paper called with laugh , ” Dead Eye, the Mallet Slinger “.

He learned piano at fifteen, and went on the road with a six piece jazz band as a piano player. After that, his long music career continued until his death, including  Walt Disney percission and its management jobs and at other movie companies. His own designed bass marimba can be heard in the movies such as ” Dr.Zhivago “, ” Sound of Music ” and ” The King and I “. Until he dies, he had been an Honorary Member of the Japan Xylophone Association for long years.

Dr.Earl Hatch was given an Honorary Doctorate of Music in February,1988. Remaining over 600 pieces of musics by compositions and arrangements in his private library, Dr.passed away at 90 years old , of course after brought up so many good professional players all over the United States. Most of his works can be obtained at Earl Hatch Publications.

Above: Dr.demonstrates his new solo.
Below: Dr.accompanies on his student.


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